After a long study of the Quantum Rift, the High Bishops were able to recreate one of the portals in the Citadel territory and make it stable.
Level 1 Portal:
What is required for construction:
4500 Energy, 90 Wood, 27 Ore and 36 Iron, 10 small gems of each type.
Construction time: 10 hours.
Upgrade Speed Up Cost (Instant Upgrade Completion): 2250 Energy, 5 small gems of each type.
What gives:
You can summon (add to the game) NFT warriors of level 1.
Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 3.
Increases Energy storage by 7500.
Unlocks the ability to upgrade the Citadel to level 2.
Level 2 Portal:
What is required for construction:
9000 Energy, 180 Wood, 54 Ore and 72 Iron, 10 medium gems of each type.
Construction time: 20 hours.
Upgrade Speed Up Cost: 4500 Energy, 5 medium gems of each type.
What gives:
Summon NFT warriors of level 2.
Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 6.
Increases Energy storage by 15000.
Unlocks the ability to upgrade the Citadel to level 3.
Level 3 Portal:
What is required for construction:
18000 Energy, 360 Wood, 108 Ore and 144 Iron, 10 big gems of each type.
Construction time: 40 hours.
Upgrade Speed Up Cost: 9000 Energy, 5 big gems of each type.
What gives:
Summon NFT warriors of level 3.
Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 9.
Increases Energy storage by 30000.
Unlocks the ability to upgrade the Citadel to level 4.
Level 4 Portal:
What is required for construction:
36000 Energy, 720 Wood, 216 Ore and 288 Iron, 10 unique gems of each type.
Construction time: 80 hours.
Upgrade Speed Up Cost: 18000 Energy, 5 unique gems of each type.
What gives:
Summon NFT warriors of level 4.
Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 12.
Increases Energy storage by 60000.
Unlocks the ability to upgrade the Citadel to level 5.
Level 5 Portal:
What is required for construction:
72000 Energy, 1440 Wood, 432 Ore and 576 Iron, 10 legendary gems of each type.
Construction time: 160 hours.
Upgrade Speed Up Cost: 36000 Energy, 5 legendary gems of each type.
What gives:
Summon NFT warriors of level 5.
Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 15.
Increases Energy storage by 120000.
Unlocks new storylines.
Last updated