
After a long study of the Quantum Rift, the High Bishops were able to recreate one of the portals in the Citadel territory and make it stable.

Level 1 Portal:

What is required for construction:

  • Market and Fortress level 1

  • 4500 Energy, 90 Wood, 27 Ore and 36 Iron, 10 small gems of each type.

  • Construction time: 10 hours.

  • Upgrade Speed Up Cost (Instant Upgrade Completion): 2250 Energy, 5 small gems of each type.

What gives:

  • You can summon (add to the game) NFT warriors of level 1.

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 3.

  • Increases Energy storage by 7500.

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade the Citadel to level 2.

Level 2 Portal:

What is required for construction:

  • Market and Fortress level 2

  • 9000 Energy, 180 Wood, 54 Ore and 72 Iron, 10 medium gems of each type.

  • Construction time: 20 hours.

  • Upgrade Speed Up Cost: 4500 Energy, 5 medium gems of each type.

What gives:

  • Summon NFT warriors of level 2.

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 6.

  • Increases Energy storage by 15000.

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade the Citadel to level 3.

Level 3 Portal:

What is required for construction:

  • Market and Fortress level 3

  • 18000 Energy, 360 Wood, 108 Ore and 144 Iron, 10 big gems of each type.

  • Construction time: 40 hours.

  • Upgrade Speed Up Cost: 9000 Energy, 5 big gems of each type.

What gives:

  • Summon NFT warriors of level 3.

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 9.

  • Increases Energy storage by 30000.

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade the Citadel to level 4.

Level 4 Portal:

What is required for construction:

  • Market and Fortress level 4

  • 36000 Energy, 720 Wood, 216 Ore and 288 Iron, 10 unique gems of each type.

  • Construction time: 80 hours.

  • Upgrade Speed Up Cost: 18000 Energy, 5 unique gems of each type.

What gives:

  • Summon NFT warriors of level 4.

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 12.

  • Increases Energy storage by 60000.

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade the Citadel to level 5.

Level 5 Portal:

What is required for construction:

  • Market and Fortress level 5

  • 72000 Energy, 1440 Wood, 432 Ore and 576 Iron, 10 legendary gems of each type.

  • Construction time: 160 hours.

  • Upgrade Speed Up Cost: 36000 Energy, 5 legendary gems of each type.

What gives:

  • Summon NFT warriors of level 5.

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade NFT warriors from other metaverses to level 15.

  • Increases Energy storage by 120000.

  • Unlocks new storylines.

Last updated