๐Ÿ“œMini-duel rules

The detachments are formed, the soldiers are placed in positions, what's next?

1. The mini-duel is divided into Rounds and Turns.

One Round lasts until all the pieces of both players have gone. When all the pieces have gone, the next round begins and so on until one of the players loses all the pieces participating in the mini-duel.

A move is a piece's action (attack, defense, use of skills or class abilities). Each piece has 10 seconds per move. If no move is made during this time, the piece skips its move.

After the turn is completed, the speed of the piece is reset to zero until the start of the next round, and the turn passes to the next piece.

2. The sequence of pieces moves is determined by the Speed parameter.

The player with the fastest piece always goes first.

If both players have pieces with the same Speed in a mini-combat, the Attacker's pieces go first.

3. Actions of the pieces during the move.

Each piece has 4 move options:

  • Attack - the figure deals basic physical and magical damage to the selected enemy figure.

  • Defence - the figure's physical and magical protection is increased by 20%.

  • Use an active skill.

Active skills can be used an unlimited number of times during a mini-duel. Only learned skills can be used. Different skills require different amounts of Mana and Stamina to use. If the figure does not have enough Mana or Stamina, the skill cannot be used.

  • Use a class ability.

To use Class abilities, a figure must be equipped with Class amunition, and the number of uses of the Class ability must be > 0. After using the Class ability, the Speed โ€‹โ€‹of the figure is not reset, and it can take an additional action. After using a Class Ability, it needs a certain number of Rounds to cool down. If the Class Ability has not recovered before the end of the mini-combat, the recovery process continues during the chess game, while the remaining number of Recovery Rounds is equal to the number of moves of the corresponding player in the chess game.

4. Restrictions on the actions of pieces during a move.

  • Pieces of the "Warrior" subclass cannot attack pieces in the back row while there are pieces in the front row.

  • If allied pieces are in front of the Warrior, he cannot attack and use active skills, but he can defend himself and use the Class ability.

  • If Rook Warrior places a Wall, then all enemy Archers can only attack the Wall until it is destroyed.

  • If the Wall is placed by the Rook Archer, then all the Mages of the enemy can only attack this Wall until it is destroyed.

  • If Rook Mage places a Wall, then all enemy Warriors are forced to attack this Wall before it is destroyed.

  • If the Queen used the Cloak class ability, then no enemy piece can attack the Queen while the Cloak ability is in effect.

5. Damage calculation.

When taking damage, several parameters of the figure are taken into account:

  • Chance to evade - if the figure evaded the attack, then it does not receive damage.

  • Protection from the corresponding type of damage - if the figure has Defence, then the amount of damage is reduced by the corresponding Defence value.

The amount of damage is calculated by the formula:

Da = Pha-Pha*Phd + Ma-Ma*Md


Da - the amount of damage that the defending figure will receive.

Pha - the value of the Physical attack parameter of the attacking piece.

Phd - the value of the Physical defense parameter of the defending piece.

Ma - the value of the Magic attack parameter of the attacking figure.

Md - the value of the Magic defense parameter of the defending figure.

6. Recovery of Health, Mana and Stamina.

If a figure has Health, Mana, Stamina Recovery values >0, then at the start of each Round, the figure's Health, Mana, and Stamina are increased by the corresponding Recovery values.

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