The Citadel is inhabited by the King and the Queen and some of the courtiers.
Citadel level 1:
What is required for the construction - nothing, is given at the very beginning.
What gives:
You can summon an additional King and Queen level 1.
You can store: Energy - 1500, Wood - 100, Ore - 100, Iron - 100, Small Topaz - 30, Small Ruby - 30, Small Sapphire - 30, Small Diamond - 30.
Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 1 Wood storage and a Tier 1 Barrack.
Craft/Disassemble: Common Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts (King and Queen class items that unlock their class abilities).
Citadel level 2:
What is required for the upgrade:
10000 Energy, 200 Wood, 60 Ore and 80 Iron, 30 small gems of each type.
Upgrade time: 24 hours.
Upgrade Speed โโUp Cost: 5000 Energy, 15 small gems of each type.
What gives:
In the Citadel, you can summon an additional King and Queen level 2.
You can store: up to 3000 Energy, up to 200 of each type of basic materials, 60 small and 30 medium gems of each type.
Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 2 Wood storage and Barracks.
Craft/Disassemble: Rare Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts.
Citadel level 3:
What is required for the upgrade:
20000 Energy, 400 Wood, 120 Ore and 160 Iron, 30 medium gems of each type.
Upgrade time: 48 hours.
Upgrade Speed โโUp Cost: 10000 Energy, 15 medium gems of each type.
What gives:
In the Citadel, you can summon an additional King and Queen level 3.
You can store: up to 6000 Energy, up to 400 of each type of basic materials, 120 small, 60 medium and 30 big gems of each type.
Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 3 Wood storage and Barracks.
Craft/Disassemble: Super Rare Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts.
Citadel level 4:
What is required for the upgrade:
40000 Energy, 800 Wood, 240 Ore and 320 Iron, 30 big gems of each type.
Upgrade time: 96 hours.
Upgrade Speed โโUp Cost: 20000 Energy, 15 big gems of each type.
What gives:
In the Citadel, you can summon an additional King and Queen level 4.
You can store: up to 12000 Energy, up to 800 of each type of basic materials, 240 small, 120 medium, 60 big and 30 unique gems of each type.
Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 4 Wood storage and Barracks.
Craft/Disassemble: Unique Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts.
Citadel level 5:
What is required for the upgrade:
80000 Energy, 1600 Wood, 480 Ore and 640 Iron, 30 unique gems of each type.
Upgrade time: 192 hours.
Upgrade Speed โโUp Cost: 40000 Energy, 15 unique gems of each type.
What gives:
In the Citadel, you can summon an additional King and Queen level 5.
You can store: up to 24000 Energy, up to 1600 of each type of basic materials, 480 small, 240 medium, 120 big, 60 unique and 30 legendary gems of each type.
Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 5 Wood storage and Barracks.
Craft/Disassemble: Epic Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts.
Last updated