
The Citadel is inhabited by the King and the Queen and some of the courtiers.

Citadel level 1:

What is required for the construction - nothing, is given at the very beginning.

What gives:

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade the King (requires Library lvl 1) and Queen (requires Tower lvl 1) to level 3.

  • You can summon an additional King and Queen level 1.

  • You can store: Energy - 1500, Wood - 100, Ore - 100, Iron - 100, Small Topaz - 30, Small Ruby - 30, Small Sapphire - 30, Small Diamond - 30.

  • Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 1 Wood storage and a Tier 1 Barrack.

  • Craft/Disassemble: Common Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts (King and Queen class items that unlock their class abilities).

Citadel level 2:

What is required for the upgrade:

  • 10000 Energy, 200 Wood, 60 Ore and 80 Iron, 30 small gems of each type.

  • Upgrade time: 24 hours.

  • Upgrade Speed ​​Up Cost: 5000 Energy, 15 small gems of each type.

What gives:

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade the King (requires Library lvl 2) and Queen (requires Tower lvl 2) to level 6.

  • In the Citadel, you can summon an additional King and Queen level 2.

  • You can store: up to 3000 Energy, up to 200 of each type of basic materials, 60 small and 30 medium gems of each type.

  • Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 2 Wood storage and Barracks.

  • Craft/Disassemble: Rare Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts.

Citadel level 3:

What is required for the upgrade:

  • 20000 Energy, 400 Wood, 120 Ore and 160 Iron, 30 medium gems of each type.

  • Upgrade time: 48 hours.

  • Upgrade Speed ​​Up Cost: 10000 Energy, 15 medium gems of each type.

What gives:

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade the King (requires Library lvl 3) and Queen (requires Tower lvl 3) to level 9.

  • In the Citadel, you can summon an additional King and Queen level 3.

  • You can store: up to 6000 Energy, up to 400 of each type of basic materials, 120 small, 60 medium and 30 big gems of each type.

  • Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 3 Wood storage and Barracks.

  • Craft/Disassemble: Super Rare Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts.

Citadel level 4:

What is required for the upgrade:

  • 40000 Energy, 800 Wood, 240 Ore and 320 Iron, 30 big gems of each type.

  • Upgrade time: 96 hours.

  • Upgrade Speed ​​Up Cost: 20000 Energy, 15 big gems of each type.

What gives:

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade the King (requires Library lvl 4) and Queen (requires Tower lvl 4) to level 12.

  • In the Citadel, you can summon an additional King and Queen level 4.

  • You can store: up to 12000 Energy, up to 800 of each type of basic materials, 240 small, 120 medium, 60 big and 30 unique gems of each type.

  • Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 4 Wood storage and Barracks.

  • Craft/Disassemble: Unique Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts.

Citadel level 5:

What is required for the upgrade:

  • 80000 Energy, 1600 Wood, 480 Ore and 640 Iron, 30 unique gems of each type.

  • Upgrade time: 192 hours.

  • Upgrade Speed ​​Up Cost: 40000 Energy, 15 unique gems of each type.

What gives:

  • Unlocks the ability to upgrade the King (requires Library lvl 5) and Queen (requires Tower lvl 5) to level 15.

  • In the Citadel, you can summon an additional King and Queen level 5.

  • You can store: up to 24000 Energy, up to 1600 of each type of basic materials, 480 small, 240 medium, 120 big, 60 unique and 30 legendary gems of each type.

  • Unlocks the ability to build a Tier 5 Wood storage and Barracks.

  • Craft/Disassemble: Epic Cloaks of Invisibility and Mind Casts.

Last updated