Quantum Rift
This event was not described in the archives containing records of two hundred thousand years of elven history, nor in the genetic memory of the Rulers, nowhere... None of the inhabitants of Giheron knew what had happened.
The Rift happened so quickly that even the mental reflexes of the dark King Morilus, honed for thousands of years, did not have time to react.
All living beings with at least some kind of consciousness instantly lost contact with their bodies, which turned into stone blocks, and their consciousness became a hostage of these blocks.
The Quantum Rift plunged Giheron into complete silence, broken only by the sound of water and the rustle of leaves of dying trees.
But it turned out that the consciousness locked in stone is able to restore the neural connection with the body and free itself from stone shackles. To do this, a warrior must expand his consciousness, absorbing more Energy into it.
Approximately 200 years after the Quantum Rift, incomprehensible substances began to appear in different places. The space around them curved, and the matter instantly disappeared, disappearing forever. Later these phenomena were called Portals.
Portals appeared chaotically either in the air, or under water, or on the surface of the planet and disappeared after a few moments. Each time the Portal disappeared, it splashed Energy around itself, instantly absorbed by the petrified creatures around it.
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