Shape classes and subclasses
There are 6 classes and 3 subclasses of figures in the game.
Shape classes:
Shape subclasses:
Within classes and subclasses there is a balance.
Classes (in ascending order): Pawns, Knights, Bishops, King, Rooks, Queen.
Subclasses of figures (principle: rock-paper-scissors): Warrior is stronger than Archer, Archer is stronger than Mage, Mage is stronger than Warrior.
What does it mean:
Any subclass of Pawn is weaker than any subclass of Knight, Bishop, etc., and Any subclass of King is weaker than any subclass of Rook and Queen.
At the same time, the Warrior Pawn is always stronger than the Archer's Pawn, but weaker than the Mage's Pawn. Accordingly, the Archer Queen is always stronger than the Mage Queen, but weaker than the Warrior Queen.
It is important to note that this balance of power does not take into account possible deviations from the basic parameters of the figures, which occurs when the figures are equipped with various ammunition.
In this case, the strength of the figure depends more on the Player, his ability to choose the right set of ammunition and choose the right moment to attack.
But even a well-equipped Warrior cannot easily defeat a poorly equipped Mage, since Mages always have killer skills that can greatly weaken Warriors.
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