Ore storage
The storage can store a large amount of ore necessary for building structures and crafting ammunition.
Ore storage level 1:
What is required for construction:
Wood storage level 1
2500 Energy, 50 Wood, 15 Ore and 20 Iron, 5 small Rubies.
Construction time: 2 hours.
Upgrade speed up cost (Instant Upgrade Completion): 1250 Energy, 2 small Rubies.
What gives:
Stored: 50 Ore.
Unlocks the ability to build a Level 1 Forge.
Ore storage level 2:
What is required for construction:
Wood storage level 2
5000 Energy, 100 Wood, 30 Ore and 40 Iron, 5 medium Rubies.
Construction time: 4 hours.
Upgrade speed up cost: 2500 Energy, 2 medium Rubies.
What gives:
Stored: 100 Ore.
Unlocks the ability to build a Level 2 Forge.
Ore storage level 3:
What is required for construction:
Wood storage level 3
10000 Energy, 200 Wood, 60 Ore and 80 Iron, 5 big Rubies.
Construction time: 8 hours.
Upgrade speed up cost: 5000 Energy, 2 big Rubies.
What gives:
Stored: 200 Ore.
Unlocks the ability to build a Level 3 Forge.
Ore storage level 4:
What is required for construction:
Wood storage level 4
20000 Energy, 400 Wood, 120 Ore and 160 Iron, 5 unique Rubies.
Construction time: 16 hours.
Upgrade speed up cost: 10000 Energy, 2 unique Rubies.
What gives:
Stored: 400 Ore.
Unlocks the ability to build a Level 4 Forge.
Ore storage level 5:
What is required for construction:
Wood storage level 5
40000 Energy, 800 Wood, 240 Ore and 320 Iron, 5 legendary Rubies.
Construction time: 32 hours.
Upgrade speed up cost: 20000 Energy, 2 legendary Rubies.
What gives:
Stored: 800 Ore.
Unlocks the ability to build a Level 5 Forge.
Last updated