Capitulation of the figures
Surrender - the cessation of hostilities and surrender to the mercy of the winner.
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Surrender - the cessation of hostilities and surrender to the mercy of the winner.
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Formally, both players can leave only the Elven Pawn Warrior and the Zombie Pawn Warrior in the mini-duel, but in this case, the rest of the pieces will be considered Surrendered (refusing to help) and will leave the game board with 50% of the remaining Health that the figure had at the time the mini-duel started.
(+) Surrender allows you to keep alive a figure involved in a mini-duel, thereby significantly reducing the healing time of this figure and the cost of accelerated recovery. In addition, the enemy does not receive Resources and Ammunition for the figures that escaped from the mini-duel.
For example, Surrender can be justified if a previously weakened Queen is involved in a mini-duel, since, if she participates in a mini-duel, there is a high probability of losing the Queen, the time and cost of reviving which is significantly higher than healing.
(-) The downside is that, after capitulation, the player's tactical position is greatly weakened, since his pieces leave the battlefield without causing damage to enemy pieces. Thus, the overall balance of the the pieces power on the board shifts sharply towards the second player.