Modified chess gameplay
Despite the fact that the chess game will take place mainly according to the chess rules, there are some features in Chess Zombies.
1. In Chess Zombies, you cannot checkmate a King.
This is due to the fact that the King is a fairly strong piece and is able to defeat even a Knight or a Bishop 1 on 1.
In this regard, in Chess Zombies, to win a chess game, you need to cut down the King or win tactically if the game is on time.
2. If the Pawn has reached the opposite edge of the board, you can only replace the Pawn with your own pieces, previously cut down by the enemy.
At the same time, a figure already pumped by you will appear on the field, with full lives and with all its ammunition.
3. If you attack a piece that is covered by other enemy pieces, get ready to defeat them all, as they can also take part in a mini-duel.
Thus, we have replaced the "Exchange" process of pieces and added a new tactic that allows you to "Pull" the right pieces into a mini-duel. This mechanic is described in more detail in the TBS - "Mini-Duel" section.
4. In Chess Zombies, it will be possible to get warriors who move and attack differently than classic chess pieces.
Since the Chess Zombies universe is filled with Portals through which various creatures from other universes (NFT warriors) penetrate Giheron, players will have the opportunity to call on these creatures to protect their Citadel.
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